CA: Free L.A. concert by #TimeDone Campaign


The Road to Redemption in California is part of a national effort, called #TimeDone, to raise awareness of how many people are affected by the barriers associated with convictions and the extent to which they undermine, economic security, family stability, and public safety. Today, an estimated 70 million people in the U.S. are living with a current or old criminal conviction. This means that long after they’ve successfully completed their sentence, nearly 1 in 5 people continue to face restrictions on jobs, housing, education and other supports that are key to family stability and economic security.

There is a FREE concert coming up in Los Angeles that will shine a light on the lifetime of legal obstacles we endure:

Sunday, October 21
4:30pm Greek Theatre
Los Angeles, CA.

How to sign up for the L.A. concert:

  1. Click here to go to
  2. Click on the orange “Free Tickets” button
  3. Fill out the “sign now” form
  4. Click the “Add your name” button

Read about what TimeDone is doing in California and Florida


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Interesting, 70 million people with records. 1 in 5 Americans. That is a huge #….That 70 million people need to step up and demand change. No way could the gov not respond and that 70 million does not even include all the family members affected by criminal records of their loved ones…

This could be the way to go for people on the registry. Rather than standing alone as the reviled sex offenders looking for sympathy, we should unite with all people convicted as felons and focus on the life damaging restrictions we all have upon us, and within that context then present the fact that we are the most restricted group among them. Yes, 70 millin people would have a great deal of political clout and this is exactly why the government wants to restrict the voting rights and other rights of citizens as much as they can.

Intriguing. What most people don’t realize is that we have Police Officers, Judges and Medical Doctors with a criminal history. We have a Superior Court Judge in OC with a DUI. You would be surprised. Another Judge was having sex with his assistants in his chambers! We even had a MD with a murder arrest who eventually plead to a man slaughter (his wife) and still practices medicine! So, I think people need to wake up. As noted, the hiring laws have changed in Ca and seem to be moving forward! I don’t see why an Accountant required to register can’t (I’ve read they do) work for a city! People need to realize that if you break the law, your arrested/brought to court and punished if required. I always thought this means your rehabilitated? Yet, we have DA’s (OC) who act like this just happened yesterday!